Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healing versus Integration

As someone who believes that the Universe is benevolent and as A Course In Miracles teaches, nothing has meaning except what we assign to it, I have been pondering the use of the term "healing" in my every day speech.

Realizing that my words create my reality, is it possible that as a society we perpetuate the very conditions we wish to see eradicated by using a word that carries the vibration that something is wrong? That it is less than satisfactory, which in of itself is a thought based on judgment.

Interestingly, a google of the word "healing" does not bring up links to mainstream medicine, rather it yields a multitude of links to metaphysical healing, i.e., spiritual health, faith healing, and energy healing.

The term "heal" which is the root word in "healing" predates the twelve century with the etymology as Old English haelan, hal with the associated meaning of "whole." Thus as a transitive verb "heal" means "to make whole."

So, then if "heal" means to make whole, conversely the person being healed is less than whole, less than perfect, and less than complete. With this definition in mind, it starts to take on the same vibration as the word "sin," which means "to miss the mark." Are we starting to see how using words like "heal" and "sin" carries the ancient almost biblical vibratory frequency that something is "wrong," it is "less than," instead of being in the place of acceptance of what is?

A widely held meaning of "healing" is the personal experience of the transcendence of suffering. "Suffering" another ancient almost biblical word with the vibration of "less than," experiencing the pain of being less than whole.

The words, "heal," "sin," and "suffering" all carry the vibration of the collective experience that our reality is not whole, perfect and complete. If we hold these words in our consciousness can we expect to experience a shift to something other than what we hold as our belief system? I do not think so.

So if we remove the words "heal" and "healing" from our conscious language what do we use to describe when we experience an illusionary energetic shift back to our foundation state of wholeness?

What about the word, "integration?" Interestingly, while derived from the Latin, integer which also signifies a return to wholeness, it carries a much different societal frequency with a vibration of acceptance of what is. The widely held definition of integration is "the coordination of mental processes into a normal effective personality or with the person's environment." By the way, this word was coined around 1620 verses the word "heal" which was coined around 900.

From physics we understand that our personal observation affects our perception of our reality, therefore, does the word "integration" more accurately describe the process we go through to be brought back to our remembrance that we are perfect, whole and complete? Personally, when I use the word "integration" in relation to myself or working with another who has forgotten the remembrance of our perfection it helps us stay in the place of acceptance and the realization that we are simply shifting our relationship with the energetic pattern.

If the macro is a representation of the micro and vise versa, then when we "coordinate" the flow of energy into harmony with our environment of our biology bubble containing our life force, then everything else shifts back into the harmoniously realization that all is perfect, whole and complete.

My sincere hope is that we can start to envision ourselves as energy integrators instead of energy healers. This helps us to realize that there is nothing "wrong" that needs to be gotten rid of, rather that we are simply integrating our energy into a harmonious relationship with the Universe so that we are in flow. Once in the flow we are able to live our life with ease and grace detached from the outcome, always knowing that whatever is happening in the moment is for the highest good of all involved.