Saturday, May 30, 2009

Being Spoon Fed by The Media

A friend of mine stated that viewing the news media is like looking through the window to see snipets of where the consciousness of humanity is in real time. My personal opinion is that viewpoint would be valid if our news media truly reported the truth AND reported the thousands of positive things that are going on in the world everyday instead of mainly the negative. Our news media is very biased and distorted and is used to manipulate the minds of the "sheeple" who systematically drink the foul waters of mass deception without even questioning its validity.

If a person wishes to fill their heads with vibration lowering news and consciousness destroying entertainment then at least be willing to counter it with personal research and uplifting programing. We need to take responsibility for the world we are creating by means of our own thoughts, emotions and spouted conversations. I stay informed by reading the Yahoo page when I turn on my computer to check my emails. That is all I need to know to stay aware.

Every minute that clicks by is a minute we can't get back. How I choose to program my unconscious which directly impacts what I then send out into the universal hologram is my conscious responsibility. I take this responsibility seriously. It is a conscious choice to aid in the upliftment of humanity to NOT buy into the shameful manipulation of the masses. It is my passion to help convert our planet of "sheeple" into "people."

I whole heartedly espouse being aware of what is going on around us and to dig much deeper into what is set out in the media. We need to ask the questions, "Who is the origin of the information?" "Who stands to gain should I choose to believe what they are saying?" "Could the truth be the exact opposite of I am being asked to believe?"

Universal truth is that our energy goes where our attention goes. Where are we focusing our energy? On what we don't want or on what we DO want? A person's worldview is directly proportionate to what they choose to digest on a daily basis. A view that humanity has deteriorated is a result of ingesting the twisted propaganda that is dished up to us.

If we focus on all the positive actions going on daily by everyday people; not the reported twisted greed of power mongers that represent a small percentage of mankind, our vision is now cleared to see the higher consciousness that is emerging and the beauty of the shift in perception that we are all One.


  1. I love the title of your new blog! I laughed when I saw "sheeple" above... I prefer that over "zombies" (my former choice)! I learned from Chellie Campbell that people came in 3 categories: dolphins, sharks, and tunas. Sheeples fit close to tunas, and yet are different. I know we aren't meant to fit into boxes but being associated with dolphins can't be a bad thing! Keep shining your light D!

  2. Thanks Erica, wow, you wrote this on June 2nd and today is June 8th, does that give you a clue as to how fast life is running. LIVE H2O is now only 11 days away and yet so much to do. Anyway, thanks for being on this blog. I look forward to your feedback.

  3. D', I posted my comment, and for some reason this is giving me certain errors and refused to post it.

    I am doing this one as an experiment...

    Much love

  4. ...And she sneaked through the backdoor to sit down with her fellow flames for an enlightened chat or two, as co-workers who illuminate the path toward the True Self.

    I am glad you did this, D', and I loved the topic you started out with. We have been so bombarded with negativity and disrespect, that it is about time that more people step out with courage to remind us to stop being so "sheeplish"!

    If I were there, I would be pushing you to co-create with me the TV program we've talked about several times. So much to be done!

    I give thanks for the high energy and determination you came to the flesh with!!!

    Cheers, sister!

  5. As August 14th approaches, I am looking forward to having more time to devote to writing my blog. I so appreciate the comments from those that take the time to read it. Thanks Erica and Alba...lots of love to both of you!!!
